While many people spend little or no time thinking about the details surrounding their end of life, others are the exact opposite and have spent time and energy planning the details of their funeral or cremation. Whether it be details relating to the distribution of your assets and finances, in the form of your last […]
Category Archives: Funeral Services
Lodge Brothers Legal Services | Lasting Power of Attorney Weybridge
A lasting power of attorney document serves as a legal instruction which allows you, the donor, to appoint someone, generally an attorney who has expertise and is permitted to provide legal advice, for the purpose of making decisions on your behalf when you are not able to, for instance should you become mentally or medically […]
Lodge Brothers family-owned and managed for 7 generations
When someone that you are particularly close to passes away, there will be an intense period of overwhelm, sadness and insecurity which a person can become engulfed by. Grieving the loss of a special person is difficult and takes time to process and to eventually accept over-come and adjust your life. Anyone who has experienced […]
Fixed Legal Fees for all aspects of Probate
When a family member passes, it is time of great importance as it is the end of a life which is both mourned and celebrated. Having a funeral or memorial service is an important way to ensure that those who remain behind are able to both mourn and celebrate the loved one as part of […]
Lodge Brothers Our dedicated team can be reached by phone or email, 24 x 7
Always here to help…. This is the Lodge Brothers promise which has been proven true, day after day by the Lodge Brothers Funeral homes countrywide. No matter how prepared you think you may be when it comes to planning your funeral, your family will still need someone to turn to when the times comes. So […]
Lodge Brothers Legal Services call Sophie or Emily for a free no obligation quote
It may surprise the majority of people, that having a Will in place for when you pass on, is only the start of a series of rather complex legal events which need to be finalised after a funeral takes place. For the most part, people feel prepared for all eventualities once the Will has been […]
Lodge Brothers assist with unique and original funeral ceremonies
Lodge Brothers has been in the business of funerals for many decades and have experience with every kind of funeral or memorial. As times change, so do the desires of the families of those who have passed away but the intention to celebrate their lives remains the same. Lodge Brothers Funeral Services understands these changing […]
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you start to think about preparing for your passing? It could be that you want to prepare a will to ensure that your assets are evenly and fairly split between family members or to ensure that special items are guaranteed to be transferred to a […]
Affordable Legal Advice in Relation to Probate, Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney
During times of shock and grief at the loss of a loved one who has passed away, generally the last thing that family members and friends need to worry or think about is physically sorting out the affairs of their beloved. It is always at times like these when emotions are high, that “life administration” […]
Lodge Brothers pre-paid Funeral Plans for your Family
not something we like to focus on, however, Lodge Brothers funeral plans Guildford understand the importance of funeral plans and look at the advantages of being prepared for death. Lodge Brothers family owned business for over 200 years know all too well how important family is and the importance of not adding extra financial pressure on […]